Dj Khlez et moi meme dédions ce site dans sa grande majorité au rap français de ce que j'appele la belle epoque, c'est a dire les années 90. Vous trouverez ici les vinyles, les k7, albums et autres qui ont rhythmés ces années, de l'indé aux classiques.
Bienvenue a tous.
Dj Khlez and myself are dedicating this site -in it's biggest part- to the golden years of the french rap, the 90's.You'll find here vinyls, cassettes, albums and whatever else which was some dope releases, from indies to the classics.
Bienvenue a tous.
Dj Khlez and myself are dedicating this site -in it's biggest part- to the golden years of the french rap, the 90's.You'll find here vinyls, cassettes, albums and whatever else which was some dope releases, from indies to the classics.